Adaptive reuse creates new Trofa town hall

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21 valuable pages of Projekt [insights] into the project "Adaptive reuse creates new Trofa town hall"! Learn everything - from design to construction, to comprehensive detailed solutions.

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The in-depth Project [insights] PDF includes more details around the following topics:

  • Revitalisation as a catalyst for urban regeneration

  • Restoration and extension of existing buildings

  • A playful juxtaposition of opposites

  • Brightness and warm wood interiors

Preview of Project [insights] PDF of Trofa Town Hall adaptive reuse project
Heterogeneous surroundings - solitary buildings and detached residential buildings
  • Back to the essentials

    South of the town centre of Trofa, Portugal, a former grain processing plant belonging to Indústria Alimentar Trofense has been converted into the new town hall, designed by NOARQ architects. Part of the existing building was integrated into the assertive, linear volume of the new building. The project stands out for its clearly structured floor plans and powerful material contrasts.

    A view of the derelict site prior to restoration and construction of the new Trofa Town Hall
  • A view of the derelict site prior to restoration and construction of the new Trofa Town Hall
    Before - the derelict building on the site
    A view of the Trofa Town Hall with the original building visible surrounded by the new rectilinear volumes clad in dark bricks.
    After - arched windows restored, incorporated into the new building

Meet the architect


"The design concept of the building is to concentrate on the essentials ... When we visited the site for the first time, we stood in front of an industrial complex, which included not only this building that we are looking at, but also a series of warehouses that extend beyond the building. So all we found here was, let’s say, a carcass ... In other words, it had a roof, it had exterior walls, but it didn’t really have an interior."

José Carlos Nunes de Oliveira, Founder, NOARQ

VIDEO: Adaptive reuse and extension of a former industrial building for the new Trofa town hall, Portugal (09:11)

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21 valuable pages of [insights] into the project "Adaptive reuse creates new Trofa town hall"! Learn everything - from design to construction, to comprehensive detailed solutions.

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[ark] magazine

The StoJournal for Architects

This story appeared in [ark] magazine No.68. The planning and execution trades are responsible for ensuring compliance with local standards and regulations, as well as realising and warranting of the architectural details and solutions included in this case study.

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