The renovation of the University of Graz Library

Combining old and new

The library building of the Karl-Franzens University of Graz required updating, but instead of adding yet another extension to the classicist building, which had already been extended several times, the architects demolished sections to expose the original building, and created much needed new space in a vertical extension. This long glass block cantilevers over the building's new main entrance, whilst creating a canopy for a new public square below. The design is a symbiosis of old and new - from the urban planning level to its architectural details.

  • University of Graz Library before renovation
    Before renovation
    University of Graz Library after renovation, photo by Crystal O'Brien-Kupfner
    After renovation. Photo: Crystal O'Brien Kupfner

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Project [insights] - 20 valuable pages about the renovation of the University of Graz Library! Learn about the design concept, construction and comprehensive detailed solutions.

Meet the architect:

Atelier Thomas Pucher

"There is an existing main building here from the university constructed in 1895... By the 1950s, an extension was made to the south, and in the 70s an extension was made to the north, and in the 90s another extension was added to the east... And at some point we came up with the idea: Actually, the extension that was built in the 70s should be demolished first." Thomas Pucher, CEO, Atelier Thomas Pucher ZT GmbH

VIDEO: The renovation of University of Graz Libary, Austria [09:44]

Project [insights] includes:

The in-depth Project [insights] PDF includes more details around the following topics:

  • Architecture as urban regeneration

  • Vertical extension

  • Art in architecture

  • Mirrored glass & greenery on the facade

  • Acoustic management

A preview of the Project [insights] PDF which contains details about the design, construction and concepts behind the University of Graz Library renovation project
A preview of the Project [insights] PDF

Get your free Case Study now!

Project [insights] - 20 valuable pages about the renovation of the University of Graz Library! Learn about the design concept, construction and comprehensive detailed solutions.

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[ark] magazine - the StoJournal for Architects

This story appeared in [ark] magazine No.68. The planning and execution trades are responsible for ensuring compliance with local standards and regulations, as well as realising and warranting of the architectural details and solutions included in this case study.

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