Vertical extension & energetic retrofit of 1950s apartment buildings

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Discover more about the concept and execution of the transformation of these buildings, their new energy efficient facade and vertical extension in our case study now!

Your free Case Study includes:

The in-depth Project [insights] PDF includes more details around the following topics:

  • Energy consumption reduced by 40 to 60%

  • Vertical extension with 14 new dwellings (20% increase)

  • Improved facade aesthetics and functionality including integrated sun shutters

  • Greening and energy generation

Preview of Project [insights] PDF of Via Aslago housing estate energetic retrofit and vertical extension
A preview of the Project [insights] PDF

An old building with a new envelope

An inconspicuous residential complex in the centre of Bolzano underwent an impressive transformation as part of an energy efficiency refurbishment. The local practice Area Architetti Associati developed a completely new, sculpted building envelope, which elegantly incorporates an additional top storey, new lifts and loggias. The result is an ensemble characterised by dynamism and individuality that visibly enhances its neighbourhood.

  • A view of some of the buildings in Via Aslago, Bolzano, Italy before renovation and vertical extension
    Before renovation with the original roof
    A view of some of the buildings in Via Aslago, Bolzano, Italy after renovation and vertical extension
    After renovation & vertical extension. Photo: Andrea Zanchi

Meet the architect:

Area Architetti Associati

"If you set yourself a goal of energetic refurbishment, this does not contradict with ambitious architectural design. Actually, it’s a great, unique opportunity, and one that can generate a whole series of refurbishment measures."

Roberto Pauro & Andrea Fregoni, Area Architetti Associati

Energetic retrofit and vertical extension of a housing estate in Bolzano, Italy (04:05)

Get your free Case Study now!

Discover more about the concept and execution of the transformation of these buildings, their new energy efficient facade and vertical extension in our Project [insights] document.

[ark] magazine

The StoJournal for Architects

This story appeared in [ark] magazine No.69. The planning and execution trades are responsible for ensuring compliance with local standards and regulations, as well as realising and warranting of the architectural details and solutions included in this case study.

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